Day 27: Devotionals/Bible Studies
I love the study I'm doing right now in Coffee Break about our modern day idols. It's by Kelly Minter and it's titled "No Other Gods". It's full of amazing insights and is allowing me to look at the bible stories I know well in new and life-changing ways! This study is helping me realize who and what I devote my time to (even essentially good things). It's helping me prioritize and focus first on God — the One who created those things I put before Him.
I love that Devotionals and studies do this – change lives! What's more amazing is everyone could read the same book but come out with a different way that it touched their life!
So thankful for these studies, the people who write them, and, above all, God – the One who makes it all happen!

I love the study I'm doing right now in Coffee Break about our modern day idols. It's by Kelly Minter and it's titled "No Other Gods". It's full of amazing insights and is allowing me to look at the bible stories I know well in new and life-changing ways! This study is helping me realize who and what I devote my time to (even essentially good things). It's helping me prioritize and focus first on God — the One who created those things I put before Him.
I love that Devotionals and studies do this – change lives! What's more amazing is everyone could read the same book but come out with a different way that it touched their life!
So thankful for these studies, the people who write them, and, above all, God – the One who makes it all happen!