Day 29: New Beginnings
The Bible teaches that His mercies are new ever morning. (Lamentations 3:22,23)
I love this! I love that every morning I get to start over. I get to say "Lord, I may have failed yesterday, but thankfully your compassion is fresh and new today!"
It's not just the physical morning that's talked about but each new phase in life (becoming a follower of Christ or renewing your vows to Him), each new start in life (getting married, having children, entering college or a new job) every thing that brings morning or simply put – each time you get a wake up call!
Life is full of them!
Be thankful for each one!
I'm thankful that the mercies are there whether we see them or not, acknowledge them or ignore them, understand them or stand puzzled.
(I'm trying, though, to see, acknowledge and understand. Sometimes it's just not that easy.)

The Bible teaches that His mercies are new ever morning. (Lamentations 3:22,23)
I love this! I love that every morning I get to start over. I get to say "Lord, I may have failed yesterday, but thankfully your compassion is fresh and new today!"
It's not just the physical morning that's talked about but each new phase in life (becoming a follower of Christ or renewing your vows to Him), each new start in life (getting married, having children, entering college or a new job) every thing that brings morning or simply put – each time you get a wake up call!
Life is full of them!
Be thankful for each one!
I'm thankful that the mercies are there whether we see them or not, acknowledge them or ignore them, understand them or stand puzzled.
(I'm trying, though, to see, acknowledge and understand. Sometimes it's just not that easy.)