Day 7: My Parents
With it being my birthday today (!!!!) I figured I would be thankful for those two people that gave life to me, raised me, and taught me so many things!
My parents are wonderful! Most of you know that we livefairly really close to them. It is a true blessing! Being close to them means when I was on bedrest they were there for me when Seth was at work. Being so close to them means walking across the creek just to say hi and brighten everyone's day! Being close means enjoying them walking here to say hi to all of us!
I'm thankful my parents decided to have a second family in which I am the oldest ;)
I'm thankful my parents raised me in such a way that I can deal with most life issues without going insane!
I'm thankful my parents taught me to love no matter what!
I'm thankful my parents have shown me what faith is!
I'm thankful my parents are great examples in all areas of life!
I'm thankful my parents have instilled in me the meaning of family!
I'm thankful for my parents!
Love you Dad and Mom! Thank You!

With it being my birthday today (!!!!) I figured I would be thankful for those two people that gave life to me, raised me, and taught me so many things!
My parents are wonderful! Most of you know that we live
I'm thankful my parents decided to have a second family in which I am the oldest ;)
I'm thankful my parents raised me in such a way that I can deal with most life issues without going insane!
I'm thankful my parents taught me to love no matter what!
I'm thankful my parents have shown me what faith is!
I'm thankful my parents are great examples in all areas of life!
I'm thankful my parents have instilled in me the meaning of family!
I'm thankful for my parents!
Love you Dad and Mom! Thank You!