Day 8: Community
I never really understood what it's like to have community until 5 years ago.
Community is more than the people who reside in the same zip code or who lives in your dorm room or goes to your church. Community is who decides to pull for you when you're in need. It's who cares enough to care for you, pray for you, cry with you, rejoice with you, etc.
5 years ago today I went into the hospital because my cervix was funneling and one of the two sacks was pushing through. I felt nothing, didn't know it was happening, and was scared. Seth and I joined with our families in prayer and took our cares to God. As time went on I realized that more than just our families were praying and thinking of us. There was a teacher from Seth's elementary that was praying for us. A high school teacher of mine came to the graveside service for our boys. Co-workers to our parents. Friends from our past. Prayer chains at churches. They all gathered around us, even though they didn't know us, to pray and ask God to help us through this.
I had never felt community like that before, the good thing is I have felt it since! The power of community is great and I hope everyone can feel that at some time.
I'm thankful for the community that has gathered around us. The great thing is new people come in all the time. (yes, others leave, but things happen).
I'm thankful for the community we have made up of friends, family, and so many others! Thank you to all that have helped us through, lifted us up, and rejoiced with us in so many situations!

I never really understood what it's like to have community until 5 years ago.
Community is more than the people who reside in the same zip code or who lives in your dorm room or goes to your church. Community is who decides to pull for you when you're in need. It's who cares enough to care for you, pray for you, cry with you, rejoice with you, etc.
5 years ago today I went into the hospital because my cervix was funneling and one of the two sacks was pushing through. I felt nothing, didn't know it was happening, and was scared. Seth and I joined with our families in prayer and took our cares to God. As time went on I realized that more than just our families were praying and thinking of us. There was a teacher from Seth's elementary that was praying for us. A high school teacher of mine came to the graveside service for our boys. Co-workers to our parents. Friends from our past. Prayer chains at churches. They all gathered around us, even though they didn't know us, to pray and ask God to help us through this.
I had never felt community like that before, the good thing is I have felt it since! The power of community is great and I hope everyone can feel that at some time.
I'm thankful for the community that has gathered around us. The great thing is new people come in all the time. (yes, others leave, but things happen).
I'm thankful for the community we have made up of friends, family, and so many others! Thank you to all that have helped us through, lifted us up, and rejoiced with us in so many situations!