Day 18: Emotions
I am thankful that I am an emotional person. Without emotions I think I woul go nuts. I'm happy that I'm passionate, caring, compassionate, and understanding. I'm happy I get angry, frustrated, upset, and just plain PO'd.
I wear my emotions on my sleeve. You'll know what I'm feeling. I hate hiding my feelings because then they just bottle up inside and explode at the wrong times and at the wrong people.
I'm thankful that I can be me emotionally but have the emotional control to be tuned into others emotional needs, too. What I mean is, sometimes we have to hold our tongue, even if we want to say something truthful to others maybe it's not what they want or need to hear at that time.
I'm thankful for these emotions because God gave them for a reason but also to teach us control. It's amazing how God wired our brains and built our bodies. Emotions are complicated. Learning to show the emotions and also control the emotions we learn can be difficult but necessary if we are to live in harmony with each other.
I'm thankful I have learned so much about my emotions, but have a lot of learning yet to do. As do we all.

I am thankful that I am an emotional person. Without emotions I think I woul go nuts. I'm happy that I'm passionate, caring, compassionate, and understanding. I'm happy I get angry, frustrated, upset, and just plain PO'd.
I wear my emotions on my sleeve. You'll know what I'm feeling. I hate hiding my feelings because then they just bottle up inside and explode at the wrong times and at the wrong people.
I'm thankful that I can be me emotionally but have the emotional control to be tuned into others emotional needs, too. What I mean is, sometimes we have to hold our tongue, even if we want to say something truthful to others maybe it's not what they want or need to hear at that time.
I'm thankful for these emotions because God gave them for a reason but also to teach us control. It's amazing how God wired our brains and built our bodies. Emotions are complicated. Learning to show the emotions and also control the emotions we learn can be difficult but necessary if we are to live in harmony with each other.
I'm thankful I have learned so much about my emotions, but have a lot of learning yet to do. As do we all.