It's been just over a week since Seth's grandpa passed away. The visitation was this past Tuesday and the funeral, Wednesday.
Saying goodbye was difficult.
The last time I was at a funeral for a family member was in January 2002. My great-uncle passed away suddenly and it's the first family member I was close to that I remembered the most about. The first family member I had lost that I had memories of.
My maternal grandfather passed away when I was in first grade. I remember that night {early morning} very well. I was sick and my mom was sitting beside me as I was...getting sick, when the phone rang. My dad, shortly after, came in to tell my mom that my grandpa had passed away. I remember two things about that night. The first is, I remember thinking "does 'passed away' mean he died?" (I was only in first grade, remember). And second, I remember it being one of the only, if not the only, times my dad helped me while I was puking (because he took over for my mom who went out to the living room to be with my grandma who was staying with us while my grandpa was in the hospital). I have some memories of my grandpa but mainly they are second-hand memories, ones people tell me about that I was there for but too young to remember.
Seth's grandpa was a great man. I can't even begin to describe the man he was as there were so many things about him that people loved. Some words that were used during the funeral were "man of integrity", "he filled a room {with so much of himself}", "a man of God's Word".
He leaves behind not just a wife, kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and siblings and friends. He leaves behind a legacy that will be present for many, many years to come.
We miss him greatly but look forward to seeing him again in eternal glory!
We miss you, Grandpa. Give Isaac and Luke a hug from us!

Saying goodbye was difficult.
The last time I was at a funeral for a family member was in January 2002. My great-uncle passed away suddenly and it's the first family member I was close to that I remembered the most about. The first family member I had lost that I had memories of.
My maternal grandfather passed away when I was in first grade. I remember that night {early morning} very well. I was sick and my mom was sitting beside me as I was...getting sick, when the phone rang. My dad, shortly after, came in to tell my mom that my grandpa had passed away. I remember two things about that night. The first is, I remember thinking "does 'passed away' mean he died?" (I was only in first grade, remember). And second, I remember it being one of the only, if not the only, times my dad helped me while I was puking (because he took over for my mom who went out to the living room to be with my grandma who was staying with us while my grandpa was in the hospital). I have some memories of my grandpa but mainly they are second-hand memories, ones people tell me about that I was there for but too young to remember.
Seth's grandpa was a great man. I can't even begin to describe the man he was as there were so many things about him that people loved. Some words that were used during the funeral were "man of integrity", "he filled a room {with so much of himself}", "a man of God's Word".
He leaves behind not just a wife, kids, grandkids, great-grandkids, and siblings and friends. He leaves behind a legacy that will be present for many, many years to come.
We miss him greatly but look forward to seeing him again in eternal glory!
We miss you, Grandpa. Give Isaac and Luke a hug from us!