52 weeks :: Week 1

Week 1 was getting organized.

I put together a binder that will help me stay organized on a daily and weekly basis. I made up some sheets on my computer that are a knock off of some I found on Pinterest. (the ones I found were cute but I wanted to personalize them with my own favorite colors.)

I also made a chore sheet for the kids and morning and evening routine sheets that will help them establish these routines before they begin school.

Also a weekly meal planner sheet was made with space for a grocery list!

I'm so excited to start this binder this week!

I will try to post pics another time.

Week 2 is to make something crafty for the house which will be revealed later in the week! I already have in mind what I want to do and I think I have all the supplies! So excited to get started!

Update :: I've decided to post along with the project if I learned anything new. This project wasn't learning something new as much as implementing and learning to save time!

Also here are the pictures I promised of two of the organizational pages I made!


Anonymous said…
Sounds like your binder is the Command Center of your house!

