52 Weeks :: Week 4

Filling the tummy!! I love finding new dishes on Pinterest to try with my family. I found two for this week. The first one was baked chicken fajita wraps. Photobucket I just realized I never got a picture of the wrap. But here is the baked part after it came from the oven! The second dish was orange chicken in the crockpot. Photobucket Here it is in my bowl before I ate it! What I learned :: food is hard to photograph! And, when you have your meals planned the day goes so much smoother! (this is also because of what I did for week one!) PROPS :: (link to actual site, not to pin) Baked Chicken Fajitas Orange Chicken P.S. Sorry for the format issues. I had to use my desktop instead of my iPad due to technical difficulties with the blogging app I use. Hopefully, we'll be up and running normal format posts by tomorrow!
