Yesterday I was given this blogger award by Mini-Van Mega-Fun. She has a beautiful family, a beautiful story, and a beautiful spirit. I enjoyed learning more about her in this award.

It works like so:
I have to list seven things about me that most people don't already know.
Then I tag 15 people with this award and they must share on their blog seven things about themselves. (not sure how many I will choose yet, though)
Here goes:
1. I am a BACON FANATIC!! Bacon is my MOST favorite foodgroup! It is delicious!
2. I had a few nicknames as a child which included:
-- hollow leg (thanks dad!) because I eat a lot and don't seem to gain much weight (although I expect this to be changing this year as I will be turning the big 3-0!)
-- Punky Brewster (again, thanks dad)!
-- Red (yes, because of my hair)
3. Until recently (the turn of the year) I have not really cared how my house looks. I am now a organizing freak. I hope to keep this up but I secretly think it will fail before the end of March. We'll see!
4. I don't have regrets. Life is just too short to regret things.
5. I start things and sometimes don't finish. I get bored/lazy easily...
6. I am a homebody. Always have been. I prefer being with my family over going out with friends. Even at college I preferred staying in my dorm over going out and experiencing "college life".
7. I have a terrible memory since having kids. I often forget the small stuff and rely on a calendar for the big stuff. That is one reason I keep this blog, to remember as much as I can about life during these crazy times. Some things I want to forget, most I want to remember.
Thanks for being a reader! Now for the award ceremony:
I pass this award along to:
Amie - Izzie and The Beast
Amy - Treasures in Jars of Clay
David and Rachel - HOEKPERSONS
April - The Diversified Trio
Shari - One Life To Love
If anyone wants to steal an award go ahead. There's plenty to give out!
These are the ones I know who update their blog and haven't already been chosen for this award!

It works like so:
I have to list seven things about me that most people don't already know.
Then I tag 15 people with this award and they must share on their blog seven things about themselves. (not sure how many I will choose yet, though)
Here goes:
1. I am a BACON FANATIC!! Bacon is my MOST favorite food
2. I had a few nicknames as a child which included:
-- hollow leg (thanks dad!) because I eat a lot and don't seem to gain much weight (although I expect this to be changing this year as I will be turning the big 3-0!)
-- Punky Brewster (again, thanks dad)!
-- Red (yes, because of my hair)
3. Until recently (the turn of the year) I have not really cared how my house looks. I am now a organizing freak. I hope to keep this up but I secretly think it will fail before the end of March. We'll see!
4. I don't have regrets. Life is just too short to regret things.
5. I start things and sometimes don't finish. I get bored/lazy easily...
6. I am a homebody. Always have been. I prefer being with my family over going out with friends. Even at college I preferred staying in my dorm over going out and experiencing "college life".
7. I have a terrible memory since having kids. I often forget the small stuff and rely on a calendar for the big stuff. That is one reason I keep this blog, to remember as much as I can about life during these crazy times. Some things I want to forget, most I want to remember.
Thanks for being a reader! Now for the award ceremony:
I pass this award along to:
Amie - Izzie and The Beast
Amy - Treasures in Jars of Clay
David and Rachel - HOEKPERSONS
April - The Diversified Trio
Shari - One Life To Love
If anyone wants to steal an award go ahead. There's plenty to give out!
These are the ones I know who update their blog and haven't already been chosen for this award!