December 2011 was weak for snow. I can't remember a more mild December. At the turn of the year though we got a decent amount that is still sticking. Perfect for little kids like mine; snow too deep would render them helpless!

All ready to go out!

Aaron looks a little confused and unsure. He enjoyed the sled ride with me though!

Peter loves sledding down the hill! My camera was acting funny so I could only get zoom shots which made it hard to get the sled in.

Even Cubby enjoyed our company outdoors. Although, he doesn't like us sledding in HIS territory. He barked in my ear when I went down with Aaron. He also stole a mitten from both twins.
Abigail is not pictured enjoying the snow because she cried the whole time. She enjoyed it more today as long as Seth was near, but she hated the sled ride.
Happy Winter, all!

All ready to go out!

Aaron looks a little confused and unsure. He enjoyed the sled ride with me though!

Peter loves sledding down the hill! My camera was acting funny so I could only get zoom shots which made it hard to get the sled in.

Even Cubby enjoyed our company outdoors. Although, he doesn't like us sledding in HIS territory. He barked in my ear when I went down with Aaron. He also stole a mitten from both twins.
Abigail is not pictured enjoying the snow because she cried the whole time. She enjoyed it more today as long as Seth was near, but she hated the sled ride.
Happy Winter, all!