52 Weeks :: Week 5

I have to say pinterest project number 5 was not at the top of my list this week. The kids have been sick, which makes them cranky and disobedient (apparently), and I have been coughing and now have a stuffy nose. (This winter sucks!)

Anyway, I was taking a mommy time-out Thursday night (Seth was home) and was looking through pins I had already liked or pinned to a board. I was locked in my room (because the kids can open the door otherwise) and had to look for a project that I could do that I had all the supplies for and didn't have to leave the room.

Good thing my bedroom is also where I keep my sewing supplies!

A pillow covering out of a men's dress shirt!

Took me less then 15 minutes!

Can't say I'm a fan of the look for my house, though. Maybe it's because there is no pattern on the shirt. Seth is a solid shirt kind of guy.

But, I had pinned it last year sometime and always wanted to try it.

Peter loves it! He fell asleep on it the past two nights!

What I learned :: always think about where you will be sewing before you cut the fabric. I cut and then when I got to the machine realized I was due to sew right through a button. Good thing I could improvise on this project and just sew around the button!


Men's Shirt pillow covering
