a. I got creative! I found it on another blog, which one I don't remember now. Put stickers (from doctor visits, dentist visits, etc.) on free magnets (that they handout at parades, send in the mail, give you after a service repair call) so that the beloved sticker does not get forgotten and, end up ruining your child's favorite shirt, getting placed on a window that later has to be removed with a razor and window cleaner, or get ripped by a sibling and a cry fest breaks out!
b. Reference! I love this sticker I got from GFS that allows me to quickly view cooking measurement conversions!
c. Oh the places I've been...or family members! I love looking at magnets from different places to remember those times. Even if it was a time that someone else had. The very top left is when my oldest sister visited Beverly Hills, she went because her name was drawn in a radio contest! The top right are from London, where my youngest sister went for January Interim during college, and when Seth and I went to Kentucky Down Under during a spur of the moment trip in April 2007. Right below that is two magnets from San Diego when we went for spring break our senior year in college, we visited his brother and sister-in-law! The very bottom one is from my parents when they visited our exchange student (she was with us in 1990) in Germany in 2009! Each has a story that I love!
d. Just in case of emergency I have poison control and the fire department numbers!
e. Life Changing! It's true! My "life changing moments involve diapers and wipes". Thanks, mom, for this magnet!
What prompted this post? My kids ripped all the magnets off this morning so I put them back up all neat-like! We'll see how long it lasts! The great thing about it is I got to remember great things while I placed them. Plus I love puzzles and to get them all neat and somewhat aligned was like a quick puzzle to end my night with!