It's been a couple weeks...sorry about that.
2 weeks ago I tried out the "baking soda takes crayon off painted surface" theory.
No longer a theory but now proven!
The top picture is not true to color for the room. I took the pic with the iPod and had no intention of using it other than sending to hubby at work.

Then, I found the post on pinterest about baking soda taking crayon off and I had to use the picture! Trust me, though, it is the exact same spot!
So, it worked! Baking soda takes crayon off painted walls!
A few tips I wish I would have known from the start.
1. Wash the area first but don't dry it.
2. I used a somewhat abbrasive washcloth and I didn't have to scrub as hard.
3. I used a child size bowl to keep the baking soda in so I didn't have to keep "sprinkling" it on the cloth, instead I just lightly dipped the cloth in.
4. "Scrub" with the direction of the crayon mark. If it is up and down, side to side, or in circles repeat the motion. It comes off much quicker!
It even worked on a wall in my living room which had been covered in crayon for months!
Props ::
Baking soda cleaner

2 weeks ago I tried out the "baking soda takes crayon off painted surface" theory.
No longer a theory but now proven!
The top picture is not true to color for the room. I took the pic with the iPod and had no intention of using it other than sending to hubby at work.

Then, I found the post on pinterest about baking soda taking crayon off and I had to use the picture! Trust me, though, it is the exact same spot!
So, it worked! Baking soda takes crayon off painted walls!
A few tips I wish I would have known from the start.
1. Wash the area first but don't dry it.
2. I used a somewhat abbrasive washcloth and I didn't have to scrub as hard.
3. I used a child size bowl to keep the baking soda in so I didn't have to keep "sprinkling" it on the cloth, instead I just lightly dipped the cloth in.
4. "Scrub" with the direction of the crayon mark. If it is up and down, side to side, or in circles repeat the motion. It comes off much quicker!
It even worked on a wall in my living room which had been covered in crayon for months!
Props ::
Baking soda cleaner