On Saturday morning we surprised the kids with a trip to a {very} local wild animal park. It's only been open for a year but it was great to see what they have and then in the many years to come we can see how it grows!

Top left: kids ready to go...not knowing where we were going
Top right: Abigail sitting on the elephant in the sand play area
Bottom left: Aaron petting the tortoise...you could pet anywhere but it's head.
Bottom right: Peter sitting on the bear in the sand play area
We enjoyed seeing reptiles which included many snakes! There were 4 crocs and a couple alligators. We saw many different types of birds and went through an aviary. None of the birds landed on us, though, next time I will bring a dollar for each of the kids to get a food stick for the birds.
They also have a wagon ride that go through the large animal park. This includes buffalo, exotic animals that can jump really high so they must be caged in special tall cages, and the kangaroos (my personal favorite)!
There was one incident when we were standing near the "farm" animals.

This animal, called a Watusi, stuck its head through the hole in the door (where kids can reach in to pet the animal) and "mooed", very loudly, in Aaron's face. When I say in his face, I mean no further away then two feet. Aaron freaked and cried and Watusi turned and walked away. I could only laugh, it was classic America's Funniest Home Video...too bad my camera wasn't rolling.
Sunday was fun, too. We had a golf outing with my family and enjoyed our favorite family meal, Tacos!!
A great weekend to end Seth's vacation!

Top left: kids ready to go...not knowing where we were going
Top right: Abigail sitting on the elephant in the sand play area
Bottom left: Aaron petting the tortoise...you could pet anywhere but it's head.
Bottom right: Peter sitting on the bear in the sand play area
We enjoyed seeing reptiles which included many snakes! There were 4 crocs and a couple alligators. We saw many different types of birds and went through an aviary. None of the birds landed on us, though, next time I will bring a dollar for each of the kids to get a food stick for the birds.
They also have a wagon ride that go through the large animal park. This includes buffalo, exotic animals that can jump really high so they must be caged in special tall cages, and the kangaroos (my personal favorite)!
There was one incident when we were standing near the "farm" animals.

This animal, called a Watusi, stuck its head through the hole in the door (where kids can reach in to pet the animal) and "mooed", very loudly, in Aaron's face. When I say in his face, I mean no further away then two feet. Aaron freaked and cried and Watusi turned and walked away. I could only laugh, it was classic America's Funniest Home Video...too bad my camera wasn't rolling.
Sunday was fun, too. We had a golf outing with my family and enjoyed our favorite family meal, Tacos!!
A great weekend to end Seth's vacation!