Cleaning the microwave!
My microwave has been nasty the past little while, (I really don't want to say how long!) this is how I gage how long it's been since my mother in law has visited...she almost always cleans my microwave!
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2 CUPS VINEGAR in a glass bowl/measuring cup FOR 5 MINUTES.
Don't open microwave and LET SIT FOR 3 MINUTES.
Open microwave, take out vinegar, and WIPE CLEAN!
Took me a total of 10 minutes with 8 of those minutes being free to fold laundry, play with kids, etc. I was actually cleaning for 2 minutes!
really, just search. I can't find the exact one I tried because I forgot to pin it...silly me. Some use a mix of water and vinegar but I used straight vinegar!

My microwave has been nasty the past little while, (I really don't want to say how long!) this is how I gage how long it's been since my mother in law has visited...she almost always cleans my microwave!
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2 CUPS VINEGAR in a glass bowl/measuring cup FOR 5 MINUTES.
Don't open microwave and LET SIT FOR 3 MINUTES.
Open microwave, take out vinegar, and WIPE CLEAN!
Took me a total of 10 minutes with 8 of those minutes being free to fold laundry, play with kids, etc. I was actually cleaning for 2 minutes!
really, just search. I can't find the exact one I tried because I forgot to pin it...silly me. Some use a mix of water and vinegar but I used straight vinegar!