Sunday Mornings around here are normally very active with everyone getting ready for church and trying to get out the door in time. The kids fight with Seth and I over what is appropriate church attire, I can't get dressed until all food and spillable things are put away, and the kids normally can't find their shoes.
Today was different, though. Not in a good way to start. I much rather would have had chaos and been able to make it to church than have Aaron wake up with a fever of 102.3*. (And I had already done my hair...I was ahead of the game today...jeesh).
So, Aaron is sleeping, Peter is playing Kinect, and Abigail is watching Netflix on the iPad. Seth went to church and now is off to work and I, well, I got a lot of tax prep done. We have someone else do our taxes, not because it's complicated (I have done them before) but this guy can find all the right stuff. It's worth the money to us to pay someone to do it!
I feel accomplished but I also feel kind of strange(?) because I didn't go to church. Maybe putting on some music will help it. A little praise and worship. Later in the week I will have to listen to the sermon online, thank God for awesome technology!
Today was different, though. Not in a good way to start. I much rather would have had chaos and been able to make it to church than have Aaron wake up with a fever of 102.3*. (And I had already done my hair...I was ahead of the game today...jeesh).
So, Aaron is sleeping, Peter is playing Kinect, and Abigail is watching Netflix on the iPad. Seth went to church and now is off to work and I, well, I got a lot of tax prep done. We have someone else do our taxes, not because it's complicated (I have done them before) but this guy can find all the right stuff. It's worth the money to us to pay someone to do it!
I feel accomplished but I also feel kind of strange(?) because I didn't go to church. Maybe putting on some music will help it. A little praise and worship. Later in the week I will have to listen to the sermon online, thank God for awesome technology!