A Love Story: DTR

DTR: Defining the Relationship

I remember this moment well. We were sitting in the common room (where we first met) and just talking about life and what had gone on that day. I remember asking Seth, "So, what are we? Are we dating?" I had to clear this up because we had never had this conversation. I had a good feeling that the answers were what I wanted them to be, after all, we had known each other a while and we were spending all our free time together, but I needed it verbalized. I needed to be offically asked, since there was no official asking because our first date was thrown together without us even knowing!

Picture was taken at my parents house in Spring of 2003
Well after we began dating...but I like the picture!

So he asked, and I said yes. I love this moment in our relationship because it defines the beginning of our love, even if we had felt the love before, this moment is when it grew by leaps and bounds. We shared our first kiss that night and never looked back. The day was September 25, 2002 and now, we have been in love for over 10 years. Time goes fast and sometimes I can't believe we have known each other so long, but at the same time I can't believe it's only been 10 years, it feels like I've known him my whole life.


Shari said…
I'm loving this series on your relationship. And when I saw "DTR" I knew exactly what you meant! ;)