A Love Story: The Engagement

It was my last exam of my sophomore year of college. I had to move out of the apartment I shared with 3 other girls that same day. Seth and I had planned to go to dinner that night. Little did I know what was waiting for me back at the apartment.

Remember those clue hunts he had set up? Another one began. It took me around the apartment building, to a restaurant we frequented (where his brother was waiting with another clue). I had to call a couple friends to get more clues, back to his apartment to receive a clue from his brother's friend (who I ended up smacking on the arm because I was so frustrated with this whole mess) and finally to the college nature center where we had taken so many walks and talked about our future. There, Seth proposed. It was sweet, and very much him.

Our engagement photo

Somewhere, in all that, I also ended up calling my dad, frustrated, telling him I was hungry and all I wanted was food and for this game to end! He told me to hang in there...

We spent the evening dining and telling family and friends. We visited grandparents, called siblings, etc. It was great and the planning for the wedding began!


Carrie said…
Seth looks so different without facial hair in these older pictures! I didn't realize you go engaged so young! Love these posts!