Outside Play

The snow around here the past couple days has been extremely icy. We can walk on top of it hardly making a footprint. We took a walk Sunday afternoon to my parents house and enjoyed some snowball throwing and "don't break the ice on the stream" (which didn't work, it broke!) fun!

Yesterday, I took the kids out for some fresh air and to see how far we could go in the sled. Peter went from the top of the hill up by the road all the way to the tree line, which is approximately 270 feet away. He wasn't sure how to stop so he kept yelling "Mommy" and I'm running down the hill yelling "Roll off, put your feet out, get off the sled!" I thought for sure I would have found him in the brush, but at the last possible second he rolled off the sled, saving himself from hitting the brush or a tree or the stream. When I got to him he was speechless, but he decided it was fun but we should maybe go to the other side of the house where there isn't any trees.

Aaron didn't like the sledding so much, he never has, but still looked cute and way grown up after coming inside!


Carrie said…
LOL! I can totally picture this!!