Sick Again

It seems to be the story of the year in this house. 3 of us were sick all weekend. We are on the mend but still struggle to feel completely healthy. I haven't had a real meal since Thursday's dinner; eating only a cup or so of applesauce, a piece of toast, and a few crackers. I'm weak, tired, and still a little dehydrated. My heart was racing yesterday so my doctor brought me in for an EKG (a medicine I'm on can cause a heart problem she wanted to check out). The EKG was delightfully normal, but when she was poking my abdomen she felt I should get a CT Scan to check my appendix. After a dreadfully long (and medically expensive) afternoon and evening the results said my appendix was fine!

So, just resting and disinfecting is in my future.

Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming...

Spring weather is right around the corner...or the next...
