The Guitar

Peter was devastated. He didn't get his guitar for Christmas. Ever since that time, he has been asking for, talking about, and been in prayer for one.

This past weekend, I was horribly sick. I was laid up in bed for 3 days (well, 2 days and a day in the recliner). Peter was AWESOME with handling the twins. They rarely fought, they played well together, and they watched a lot of TV. Peter was concerned about me, though. He was "sad because I don't know what's wrong with you mom!" (insert breaking of my heart)! He prayed for me, he asked if I needed anything, and he didn't cause any headaches for me. When it came to bed time the kids dressed themselves (which they normally beg for help), brushed their teeth, and even walked around their room with eyes half shut and hands folded thanking God for food, the day, and whatever came to their precious little minds. Peter even gave the twins hugs and kisses because I couldn't.

Today, Peter's prayers were answered. His heart was patient and he did what we asked (he did chores with minimal complaining - sometimes moderate - he's 5, what can I expect?). We were supposed to keep track on a chart, but this weekend everything I needed was spelled out in each step that boy took. The past 3 months of telling him that if he did things right and without much complaining he would earn his guitar payed off. This weekend, he went above and beyond that mark.

Today, Peter got his guitar. Not an expensive one, we'll see how serious he is first, but the one he asked for.

Peter and his Toy Story (Buzz Lightyear) Guitar
He really is happier than he looks. He just didn't want to stop playing for the picture.
