March was the month for interesting blog reads for me. Every time I got on Facebook or read something online I was redirected to interesting blog reads. I thought I would share some of my favorites with you.
(The underlined titles are not the titles of the actual posts but short descriptions I made up.)
Confronting the lie
Does God really only give us what we can handle? I prefer to think (and I have a plaque on my wall with this saying) that "God doesn't give us what we can handle; God helps us handle what we are given."
A Favorite Author
Lysa Terkeurst is a great author with so much experience and common sense when it comes to faith and dealing with everyday life. I love her blog, too. She doesn't post too often but just enough!
Say it loud! "You're not a terrible parent..."
An honest approach to parenting and saying what everyone is thinking but too afraid to say!
To: not so Secret Victoria. From: an appalled Dad.
A letter addressed to Victoria Secret in reference to a new line coming out for tweens.
Present versus future and how it affects our faith!
It's amazing that how we think and how we speak affects how we live out our lives and our faith. Just a simple tense change can make you do a 180 degree turn.
Just to read, not to debate (at least not on this blog)!
The subject on everyone's mind in America...Gay Marriage. Please no comments on this blog regarding this topic. An interesting read for me, not something I care to discuss in public. Most of you know how I stand on this issue, anyway.
Let them be grateful...not greedy!
A post about today's kids and how they feel entitled to most anything...but that's not the way I want my kids raised.

(The underlined titles are not the titles of the actual posts but short descriptions I made up.)
Confronting the lie
Does God really only give us what we can handle? I prefer to think (and I have a plaque on my wall with this saying) that "God doesn't give us what we can handle; God helps us handle what we are given."
A Favorite Author
Lysa Terkeurst is a great author with so much experience and common sense when it comes to faith and dealing with everyday life. I love her blog, too. She doesn't post too often but just enough!
Say it loud! "You're not a terrible parent..."
An honest approach to parenting and saying what everyone is thinking but too afraid to say!
To: not so Secret Victoria. From: an appalled Dad.
A letter addressed to Victoria Secret in reference to a new line coming out for tweens.
Present versus future and how it affects our faith!
It's amazing that how we think and how we speak affects how we live out our lives and our faith. Just a simple tense change can make you do a 180 degree turn.
Just to read, not to debate (at least not on this blog)!
The subject on everyone's mind in America...Gay Marriage. Please no comments on this blog regarding this topic. An interesting read for me, not something I care to discuss in public. Most of you know how I stand on this issue, anyway.
Let them be grateful...not greedy!
A post about today's kids and how they feel entitled to most anything...but that's not the way I want my kids raised.