Although we didn't do much for spring break, or create any "traditions", we did get out a bit.
Lunch with my mom and sister with our combine total of 4 kids was great on Wednesday.
I'm so happy we were able to play outside for more than half the week!
Tonight the kids are off to the grandparents and Seth and I will be enjoying some great time with really great friends! Our first cook-out is happening tonight and I'm preparing other "summery" sides!
Tomorrow will be a Spring Cleaning day! ~yea!~ And maybe some shopping and sewing as well. We'll see what I will be able to get done!
I <3 p="" spring="">
On an unrelated side note: My prescription for glasses has increased. I have a "wrinkle" on my left eye which causes lines or dots to appear occasionally. This means if I lost my right eye sight it would be difficult to read with the left eye. My glasses are cute though, Peter helped me pick them out!