Mom's Night Out

Last night my girlfriends and I went out for a wonderful time away from our kids and husbands and that demanding call to run our household with precision.

For the past two days I have been singing "Hello, my name is" by Matthew West. And last night my name was not mom, honey, housekeeper, chauffeur, boo-boo kisser, cook, or room picker-upper.

I was a friend, a listener, someone to tell deep feelings to, someone to share with.

These other two girls gave up their names/titles to be the same for me.

We talked about Heaven and what/who we would want to see first (besides Jesus!). We talked about our struggles and accomplishments as Christian moms and wives. We talked deeply, seriously, and sometimes hilariously about who we were, are, and hope to be!

One title we will never let go of, no matter where we are or who we are with is being a:
Child of the One True King

I'm so glad I have great friends that don't judge me when I feel I haven't lived up to this name!

All in all we had FUN!

We went to the mall...without having to stop in the kids play area.
We shopped...without having to corral kids and have them all watch you awkwardly try on clothes.
We ate at a restaurant...without having to wipe faces and hands.
We laughed and talked with ease...without interruption and without having to spell anything!

I LOVE these girls!


Lori said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori said…
That's awesome, Sarah!!
Lori said…
What in the world did it do with my comments?? Posted twice and deleted twice. Oh well! :)
I see two of your three (the first says it was deleted by well! Thanks, I had a great time and it was very needed!
Lori said…
Good! :)