With Hubby working retail management, nights like last night can be few but annoying.
10:00 pm his cell phone rings. An unknown number pops up on the screen. I answer and the voice on the other end sounds calm, confident, yet strangely urgent.
A lady from the security company. A refrigeration alarm. A late night for Seth.
I kiss him goodbye, ask him to drive safe, remind him to grab his work keys, and send him off into the night to the store he just left four hours ago.
Luckily, the kids are in bed and I am able to relax and read {buzzfeed!}.
He calls at 11:00 pm to say he's on his way home. A one hour drive roundtrip for something so small.
There are people who live closer, but no one picked up their phone to answer the alarm...he's the last one on the list {out of 4} and has the farthest to drive.
All in the life of a retail wife!
10:00 pm his cell phone rings. An unknown number pops up on the screen. I answer and the voice on the other end sounds calm, confident, yet strangely urgent.
A lady from the security company. A refrigeration alarm. A late night for Seth.
I kiss him goodbye, ask him to drive safe, remind him to grab his work keys, and send him off into the night to the store he just left four hours ago.
Luckily, the kids are in bed and I am able to relax and read {buzzfeed!}.
He calls at 11:00 pm to say he's on his way home. A one hour drive roundtrip for something so small.
There are people who live closer, but no one picked up their phone to answer the alarm...he's the last one on the list {out of 4} and has the farthest to drive.
All in the life of a retail wife!