It hasn't been too pleasant of a morning around here, today. It started at 6 AM and included pee on the floor, time-outs, and lots of fighting. Thankfully, Seth allowed me to go to the store before he heads off to work! Thankfully, my local Spartan Store has a Starbucks where I got my Caramel Frapp! Thankfully, it's supposed to be gloomy and rainy all day so a great day for TV and movies (which is not something we do a lot of these days because my kids would rather play outside!)
Thankful Thursday is going to be a regular thing around here! Today, being thankful has helped me stay calm and just push on! We have a lot of day left! {prayers are much appreciated, if you have the time}!
What brought about this "thankful Thursday", you ask?
Answer: I am "reading" (listening to on an audiobook) One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. In this book she tells her personal story of how this challenge has transformed her way of thinking and living. Her challenge from a friend to write down One Thousand Gifts is taken seriously and wholeheartedly. She lists some of hers strategically throughout the book. "Reading" this book has inspired me to view things in life differently, the little things and big things, because "when I give thanks for the seemingly microscopic, I make a place for God to grow within me." {Voskamp writes} And I want God to grow me from the inside out. I want God to grow within me.
If you have time, pick up the book. If you don't, take my word for it: Looking at the smallest things that bring you joy with a heart of thanksgiving, can change your mood, perspective, and bring more joy!
"As long is there is thanks, there is joy." {Ann Voskamp}