I can't count the number of times that I hear the word "Mommy" in a day!
'Mommy, sister is pushing me', 'Mommy, I need a drink', 'Mommy, I can't pull my pants on', 'Mommy, can you help me?', 'Mommy, will you play with me...'.
Before I became a Mom I was an assistant manager of a Formal Wear store (which no longer exists as it was bought out by Men's Wearhouse). We rented and sold tuxedo's to anyone that wanted them. Most of our business was in weddings. We saw all kinds of Grooms (and Brides) come through that store. Some more tolerable than others!
I managed 6-7 people most the year (Prom Season - Fall was always busier). Managing 6-7 adults is easy compared to 3 kids between the ages of 3 and 6! I was almost always engaged in talk between adults, I had tasks to complete that were of utmost importance to someone else's happiness for a particular day, I could tell people to leave me alone to do my work and they would listen, and when they did need something they waited patiently and didn't repeatedly call my name to get my attention!
BUT! There were the "higher-ups" to tend to. I had to keep in tune with someone else's agenda, do things their way, meet their schedule, and bend to their rules. I learned long before I had children what being a child is sometimes about! Sometimes we suck the fun right out of their life (but we'll leave that for another post).
There was a freedom in working outside the home and sometimes I wish I could go back and be that person I was then. But then I remember being a Mommy has changed who that person was; some for the better (my heart is so much bigger!), some for the worse (less patient on some levels!).
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade being a Mom for ANYTHING. It is rewarding! I am growing the next generation. I take my job as a Mommy seriously, after all, my kids are the future.
I chose to stay home with our kids for many reasons; some medical (anxiety is not my friend!) but mostly personal. My mom stayed home with my sisters and I, and the pro's of that far outweighed the con's for our family. (If you are a working mom, more power to you! I admire you!)
I can hear 'Mommy' all day long in so many different ways, but the few that steal my heart every time is 'Mommy, will you cuddle me/hug me/kiss me goodnight?'
In the end, being the "higher-up" in this house (in correlation with hubby, of course) is the only job I want right now!

'Mommy, sister is pushing me', 'Mommy, I need a drink', 'Mommy, I can't pull my pants on', 'Mommy, can you help me?', 'Mommy, will you play with me...'.
image found on google images
I managed 6-7 people most the year (Prom Season - Fall was always busier). Managing 6-7 adults is easy compared to 3 kids between the ages of 3 and 6! I was almost always engaged in talk between adults, I had tasks to complete that were of utmost importance to someone else's happiness for a particular day, I could tell people to leave me alone to do my work and they would listen, and when they did need something they waited patiently and didn't repeatedly call my name to get my attention!
BUT! There were the "higher-ups" to tend to. I had to keep in tune with someone else's agenda, do things their way, meet their schedule, and bend to their rules. I learned long before I had children what being a child is sometimes about! Sometimes we suck the fun right out of their life (but we'll leave that for another post).
There was a freedom in working outside the home and sometimes I wish I could go back and be that person I was then. But then I remember being a Mommy has changed who that person was; some for the better (my heart is so much bigger!), some for the worse (less patient on some levels!).
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade being a Mom for ANYTHING. It is rewarding! I am growing the next generation. I take my job as a Mommy seriously, after all, my kids are the future.
I chose to stay home with our kids for many reasons; some medical (anxiety is not my friend!) but mostly personal. My mom stayed home with my sisters and I, and the pro's of that far outweighed the con's for our family. (If you are a working mom, more power to you! I admire you!)
I can hear 'Mommy' all day long in so many different ways, but the few that steal my heart every time is 'Mommy, will you cuddle me/hug me/kiss me goodnight?'
In the end, being the "higher-up" in this house (in correlation with hubby, of course) is the only job I want right now!
Clip art found at pamsclipart.com