
I've had a new haircut for a couple weeks now and was waiting for my prizes to come in before writing this post, because I also won free product from the salon from a drawing I entered! The product hasn't come in yet so I guess I'll just go forward with the post.

I received a phone call a little over two weeks ago telling me that my name was drawn from a contest I had entered! HOW. EXCITING! My favorite shampoo and conditioner is quite expensive and I only buy when it's on a great deal (both for $20 + a free styling product)!
So, from this drawing, I won 4 Shampoo + 4 Conditioner + 4 Styling Product (didn't all have to be the same)! This is an estimated value of over $120...AWESOME! This stash should last me more than 9 months, most likely pushing 12 months. Especially with short hair!

So you want to see pics of the new hair?

I love it for summer! My hair is very thick and heavy so layering it, thinning it and getting it short has been great! Sorry for the no make up in the before picture; I think that's how all before pics are though, right?!


Lori said…
So cute! :)
Unknown said…
I just got a shorter cut also. My hair is thick and prone to poufiness too! The weather here in Scotland has been good to it though. I don't think I could have this short if hair in a hot humid climate!
Mercedes, I live in Michigan which means humidity! Yesterday was a crazy hair day, especially this short! Straightening has helped it a lot and I love my shampoo and conditioner!