It's been too long...

It's been too long...and for that I apologize. Life happens in waves and we are in the season of a huge wave and if I don't focus on what's best for my family we will get sucked under.

Peter is finishing up his Kindergarten year and there are so many emotions that are flowing through me. It has been a great year with many bumps. With his Selective Mutism it has been a year where I have been in constant contact with his teacher. He did finally whisper to his teacher (with me there). This was a huge success that made teacher and me cry!

Aaron and Abigail are both looking at tubes but due to the recent changes in insurance policies we are on the sucky end of things and with 100% up front required until our deductible is met on all things including prescriptions we are not in a position to pay outpatient fees for TWO kids. We're hoping some type of break will come by the end of the year. We hate delaying this but as the doctor said they are not hindered in other areas by this (such as speech) so we can reevaluate this September.

Seth and I are going to be renewing our vows this year in July! Just over a month from now we will stand with very close family and very few friends to renew our vows! Amazing, it's been 10 years and we are still awesomely in love with each other!

Well, I really hope to keep up more as the summer hits...and with the twins off to preschool in the fall I hope to keep it up!

Oh...we did a garden this year and expanded on it...big time!! I hope to get some picks up soon but until then I hope this holds you over!
