'Tis the Season (for Programs)

Tonight we will be having our church kids Christmas Program. Pictures of that will hopefully come soon!

But, last Monday, Peter had his program at school. Remember, Peter attends a public school, they call it a Christmas Concert. Not a Holiday Program or any other secular way of presenting this season but a flat out Christmas Concert! Thank you Public School System!

And yes, they sing classic Christmas songs; "Silent Night" and "Mary Did You Know" were on the program this year! It. Was. Beautiful!

Photo thanks to Peter's School Facebook Page

He's in there somewhere, trust me!

I love that the grandparents come and enjoy watching their grandkids sing! Peter loved it too!

Peter and Grandpa V.

Peter with Grandpa and Grandma B.

So much fun and so many memories. I wrote later on my Facebook page:
"Christmas concert night was great! This boy has come so far this year and to see him enjoying himself up on stage tonight brought tears to my eyes!"
If you've followed my blog you know Peter struggles with anxiety and selective mutism. Last year at his Kindergarten Christmas Concert he didn't move his mouth or do any motions. This year he was doing both. It really did move me to tears. He is an amazing kid that continues to amaze us with "getting his brave on"!
