2014 :: A Reflection

It's been a crazy fun year. It's also had it's struggles. But we made it through another year relatively unscathed. As we look ahead to 2015 I can't help but look back and see how 2014 helped shape our family and prepare us for the year ahead.

Here is a month by month look back at 2014! Settle in and Enjoy!
**The first part of the post is seriously lacking in photos. I lost all my photos on my phone in June(ish) and hadn't backed them up. 2014 lesson learned!**


  • We had a great new years that was spent sledding down a fantastic hill with great friends! The kids enjoyed it a little but it was much more fun for the adults as we found numerous ways to sled down as a team of four and completely humiliate ourselves! Thankfully no one else was there at that time!
  • We also saw snow days for Peter right after break which was a nice little extension but it was harder to return as the snow days kept coming. (I think they had 2 after break). We saw 5 more snow days in January to end out the month.


  • We saw 2 more snow days to bring our school year total to 10 snow days.
  • We also did our taxes, started a bible study again, hung out with great friends, and watched my niece play in a basketball game.
  • The twins started their journey to hearing by seeing an ENT. Basically they had fluid behind the eardrum and started a round of nasal spray and antibiotics. (End result was Abi's cleared and Aaron received tubes)


  • Peter went on his first field trip to a YMCA camp. This field trip was a reward for anyone that completed the reading program.
  • The twins attended their first birthday party and we helped good friends move and settle in to their new house (which is really close to us now so it was even more exciting!)
  • We also went cottage camping to the CRC Conference Grounds with Seth's parents. We enjoyed time with Seth's sister and nephews from Colorado. His younger sister and her kids also came for a night as well as his Grandma.


  • Peter saw 2 weeks of Spring Break because of his alternate school schedule. We had a lot of fun over those two weeks but the kids really enjoyed going to Grandpa and Grandma V's for a night!
  • April was also the beginning of the Spring Soccer Season!
  • For my nephew's 3rd Birthday (which is actually in May) we went to Chuck-E-Cheese. This was our kids first time there, probably not their last but...it's expensive!


  • Soccer was in full swing in May having a game almost every Saturday with practices every Wednesday. We spent some time with friends, switched Abigail's eye doctor, and went to my youngest cousins graduation open house.
  • Our big project for May was re-doing my parents deck. It was a lot of fun and even I helped quite a bit one of the days.


  • The end of Peter's Kindergarten year. He missed his last field trip on the 2nd to last day of school because he was sick but he was feeling better for his last day of school and class picnic.
  • We camped early this year with our great friends which was a cold weekend but oh so much fun! Ludington is a great place!
  • The last full week in June was a FULL one! Sports Camp at Church, Float building for the parade, and a fun filled Saturday at the parade and other events for the 4th of July.
  • On the last day of June we went to Catch Air for the first time. Seth's brother and family were in from California.


  • The first day of July Peter had a friend over to play (who he didn't talk with) but they still had a blast! Later in the month this friend would come over and Peter wouldn't stop talking!
  • We also went to the zoo with Seth's brother from California. Later in the week we enjoyed my mom's Birthday at my sister's house!
  • The best part of July was Seth and my 10 year anniversary. We did a vow renewal in our yard and enjoyed cake and snacks afterwards. We invited only immediate family and close friends!
  • We also prepared Peter for his 1st grade year by having a meeting with his teacher and he got to see his classroom before anyone else.


  • Peter started 1st Grade!
  • I became involved in the small group ministry at our church.
  • Peter switched therapists (and we are so happy for that switch!)
  • We rounded out August with the kids staying the night at Grandpa and Grandma V's!


  • The Twinners started Preschool!
  • Claudia's brother visited from China and this was soooo exciting for the kids!
  • Soccer started again and this time all 3 are playing which meant CRAZY SCHEDULE!
  • We also got to see Maren (the kids met her for the first time) who came to stay for a long while from Germany! Oh the fun we had! Golf, Family Dinners, Shooting at the Sportsman's Club, and so much more! Maren was our exchange student in 1989/90 school year!
  • We did a tailgate party and football game combo with Peter's School.


  • Coffee Break (my women's bible study) started again and it was so nice to go without kids attached!
  • We invited some new people from church over for dinner along with some old friends and enjoyed every minute!
  • At the end of the month we enjoyed Halloween with 2 class parties and because of the cold and rain we did indoor trick-or-treating at Calvin College apartments!


  • The kids had parent/teacher conferences the first week and we got excellent reports!
  • We saw 3 snow days in November and enjoyed Thanksgiving with my family.


  • Peter had his Christmas Concert!
  • Aaron and Abigail turned 5!
  • We started LENS therapy with Peter through his therapist. (more on this in a later post.)
  • Peter turned 7!
  • Christmas was okay - I had a double ear infection and Seth is still struggling with something in his stomach.
  • Our NYE was spent at the ER with Seth where they didn't do much for him and his stomach that felt like it was on fire.

2015 is here and a NEW YEAR has come! Can't wait for the fun, the laughter, the challenges, the victories, and so much more! Happy New Year!
