It been a weird week.
Facebook is full of first day photos, 'back to school after 5 1/2 months' posts, and parents praying over all the kids, teachers, and staff that are finding new ways to teach kids. (I am praying for them all too!)
This week, I'm trying to assess what my kids need. Individually, where are they lacking in their learning? We're keeping our workload light so I know where to supplement. Keeping it book learning so we can throw in screen time learning later. We see first hand where our kids get frustrated, instead of having a teacher tell us. We know our kids best and need them to thrive and right now we're their best chance.
They are also going through emotions. Natural emotions. Emotions that need to be expressed.
This week has been weird but cleansing. We each had our good days and our bad days.
I was actually ready to write a glowing review of our week and post it today.
And then today happened.
I let them sleep in past our normal start time. I let them start without family devotions since they all got started at different times. That will NEVER happen again.
I was in a {weird, tired, out-of-sorts} mode. I was yelling at my kids to get into the 'right frame of mind'. And then I realized...
I needed to get there first.
I should not have pushed off devotions so casually. Each morning we have done them and it has prepared our hearts and minds for the day. We had a good mindset all week. We stuck to a plan, until today. We had routine and a schedule, until this morning.
Thankfully, His mercies are new every morning.
Read that verse again, and really focus on the NOT CONSUMED. In other words, let His compassions make a home in your heart. It helped me immensely today to really feel His compassion. This re-routed our day, thankfully!
Monday we begin again. We move forward knowing Friday was a trial and, more precisely, an error day.
Monday, we do better.