Yesterday we started our election unit.
Okay, spur of the moment election unit.
I don't have it all planned out but it's going to be great!
Our first task was to color in the finalized 2016 electoral college map. Also, I explained what an electoral college was and why it's necessary to our country. We then filled in the number of electoral votes that each state gets.
The kids asked a lot of great questions while they were coloring. They asked about who I voted for, why, and so much more. We talked about how many electoral votes it takes to win an election, we added up each "side"...you know, just to make sure it wasn't wrong 😉.
It was a spur of the moment, engaging afternoon, that kept the kids thinking and learning. I so enjoyed it.
I'm not a person that gets into political arguments. I hate the political state of our country right now. I pray everyday for Jesus to heal our country (because he's the only one that can). I can't persuade someone to vote for a different candidate (although I sure can try).
What I can do is teach my kids about why we must trust the system put in place, respect the office even if we disagree with the person in it, and that no policy or human can change the hearts of the people of this great country. That, alone, is God's to do in His timing.
We must learn.
We must do better.
We must pray!